Rachellita Laocta Sabrina - Demons ( Imagine Dragons )

 Rachellita Laocta Sabrina (10/X MIPA 4 SMT)

Interpretation of the song Demons by Imagine Dragons

In the first stanza, the singer says “when the days are cold, all the cards are folded, the saints we see are made of gold”. The singer assumes that in him there are ‘’demons’’ which means the lack / dark side of the singer.

In the second stanza, the singer says ‘’when all your dreams fail, and the person we cheer for is the worst of all and the blood wilts’’ in this stanza, the singer tells about failure, if we experience failure and people who are very we worship turned out to be the worst. Where the person we worship cannot raise our spirits after failure or even put us on failure. Therefore, if we idolize someone, don’t overdo it because the one we idolize is the worst person of all.

In the next stanza, the singer states “’I want to hide the truth, I want to protect you’’ that even though what he idolizes is the worst and cannot raise him from failure, the singer wants to hide it and still flaunts the advantages of the person he admires. The singer wants to hide the fact that the person he admires is actually a bad person, the singer doesn’t want anyone to know that his idol put him in failure and misery. But with the depravity within the idol, everything is clear so there is nothing more to hide.

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

Here the singer tells us that from what lineage we come, we are still selfish and greedy people because basically humans have ego and greed. The singer said “this is where my kingdom comes” which means he wants freedom, as we usually see in the founder of a kingdom who has the freedom to rule. In that state he felt depressed because there was something he could no longer hide.

The idol was bothered by the singer’s weaknesses and felt uncomfortable. The singer finally said ‘’if you feel my heat, look into my eyes, that’s where my demons are hiding (dark side)’’ and the singer actually warned him not to get too close to him because the singer felt he was full of flaws and the dark side was just trying to hide and appear like a good person.

When the singer realizes that all are sinners and all will be thirsty for a help and a helping hand in difficult times, the person who can be considered to be able to help him is his idol.

When we die, people will remember our actions, including bad deeds, chaos and the actions we have made while living will be remembered until we die. They seem to knock on our graves to ask for accountability when we ourselves have died. How could that be? Yes, his name is also society, he will still remember all our bad things, including if we are gone.

The singer honestly didn’t want to disappoint the idol. But what can you do, if inside you already contain a lot of ugliness that can’t be tolerated, like being in hell, the singer is likened to a sinner who goes to hell. But he has tried his best for the idol so that he can be liked but what can you do if the truth can no longer be hidden.

Some people think that his idol is the one who was at fault for touching the singer’s life but the singer feels that the misfortune he received is just fate. Unfortunately chaos and destruction has occurred. He has been viewed badly by the idol so he has to give up the idol to no longer be able to do good to him.

But the eyes of the idol shine so brightly, giving comfort that the singer wants to keep that light so that he always feels comfortable as he feels comfortable with the idol. Unfortunately the singer can’t get out of his ambition to be close to the idol unless the idol shows a way.

Conclusion :

Demons from Imagine Dragons is meaningfully about acknowledging and fighting his insecurities and inner turmoil, which he defines as his “demon” hiding within him.


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