Nining Setyo Azizah - Viva La Vida ( Coldplay )

 Name : Nining Setyo Azizah 

Class : X MIPA 4 SMT

Student number : 09 

Viva La Vida


Viva La Vida tells the story of a King who once ruled the world. When he is in power, 

whatever he wants can be realized. But behind that, he was also greedy and arrogant king. 

Because of the power he had, making him a highly respected king, glorified and obeyed by 


But because of his crimes, his people rebelled and his leadership collapsed or resigned. 

He's back to being a commoner. Finally, every day he can only mourn fate, grieve, regret and 

realize the ugliness of his leadership when he became king.

Moral Value 

1. Don't be greedy

The song describes the evil and greedy king finally losing his power. So the song teaches 

us not to be greedy. Because greed will make us lose everything.

2. Admit mistakes

In the song, the king who lost his power graciously admitted that he lost all his positions, 

because he was a bad person. So that the song seems to want to give a message that if 

we admit all the mistakes we have made, it will make us a better person because we learn 

from these mistakes.


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