Biography of Elias Howe (05/X IPS 4Semester)

Titah Mangayu Nastiti X IPS 4 Semester/05
Elias Howe was born on July 9, 1819, in Spencer, Massachusetts. Howe was born with a disability that left him weak in one arm, which may have led his inspiration to invent a functioning sewing machine to help ease the manual aspect of producing garments. He left home at the age of 16 in order to apprentice in a machine worker's shop and learn the intricacies of manufacturing. However, Howe's disability and a lull in the economy forced him to relocate to Boston and work in a friend's machine shop. At this shop, the dreams for inventing a reliable sewing machine started for Howe. The disability would often cause a great deal of fatigue and pain that limited Howe's ability to perform manual labor. He had married by the time he moved to Boston and had to find ways to provide for his family. His sewing machine, if successful, could solve the financial problems for the family with Howe's disability limiting his options for steady work. Success did not come quickly for Howe with his new invention and he had a difficult time marketing the sewing machine to the local population. Onlookers at Howe's exhibits showed doubt with the ability of the machine to be a reliable replacement to seam stitch employees and tailors. Many individuals had attempted to invent a reliable and efficient sewing machine since the 18th century, but Howe was able to produce a machine that was much more effective and efficient compared to its predecessors. The machine produced by Howe featured a shuttle that was located underneath cloth that created a lock stitch, or an overlapping thread stitch, that was not available in previous sewing machine prototypes. Howe did not find success initially with the machine and moved to England in order to help increase his odds for financial gain. Not finding success in England either, Howe returned to the United States in 1849. Upon his arrival, he had discovered that another inventor, Isaac Singer, had been marketing a sewing machine and had created a successful business with the machine that was using the patents of Howe. Having to defend his patent and infringements from Singer and other manufacturers, Howe went to court to ensure he was provided royalties for his invention. The court ruled in Howe's favor in 1856 and he earned the millions on his invention he had envisioned. Howe was finally able to provide financial support for his family that he desired.


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